I AM A PLEIADIAN -Starseeds on Earth!
ISBN: 9788835474272
Author: The Abbotts
Translator & Editor: Jessie Xiao Translation
Are YOU a sensitive, caring & creative person born since 1971? And, do you love modern technology & social media that allows you to be in constant communication with your family, friends & followers? If so, then you are most likely a Pleiadian (Starseed) from the Pleiades star system. Read about your previous Pleiadian lives & how they effects all aspects of your current life, plus much much more.
And, with your relaxed & easy-going attitude towards life you have incarnated with millions of other former Pleiadians to help create a world of Peace, Unity & Love. Plus, from deep within your past life memories you know how important it is for everyone to be recognised & valued as a true individual regardless of his or her colour, gender identity, sex, race or religion.
In addition, some of the subjects covered within this book include Pleiadian love, the importance of finding your twin flame partner or perfect partner, the four aspects of life, how to find your ideal career path or job & suggestions on how to improve your health.
Also, to help our readers to future develop their personal psychic abilities we have added a number of easy-to-follow exercises including - a meditation for more money, how to meet your personal spirit guides & astral travel.
Plus in Chapter Eight we explain the 7 Rules that the Pleiadians currently live by on their Home Worlds & how they have helped to create worlds of no crime or violence & respect & equality for everyone. The Pleiadians have also developed a bartering system where you are freely given what you need to live a stress-free life of gentle water-based activities while pursuing fulfilling work for the betterment of themselves, their planet & everyone else.
And, for the interested reader learn how to improve your own life by incorporating the 7 Pleiadian rules of living into your own ‘life bubble’ & much much more.
We, The Abbotts hope that you enjoy this fully revised edition of this book & find inspiration & hope for a better future.
Easy reading and fully illustrated. A Beacon of Light Book. The Abbotts Books.
Love & Light
The Abbotts,
Tony J. Abbot & Robyn Abbott.
您是出生于一九七一年后又敏感、又富有爱心、又富有创造力的人吗?您喜欢能让您与您的家人、您的朋友、以及您的粉丝保持持续沟通的现代技术和社交媒体吗?如果您的答案为是,那么,您很有可能就是一名来自昴宿星团(Pleiades Star System)的昴宿星人(Pleiadian),即星之种(Starseed)。阅读本书,了解您之前作为昴宿星人的生活,以及这种生活是如何影响您现在的生活等更多其他方面的内容。
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