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The Psychic Megan Series (Volume 2)

A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger And One Scary Mother!



ISBN: 9788835464341

Author: Owen Johns

Translator & Editor: Jessie Xiao Translation







The Psychic Megan Series A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother! The Psychic Megan Series consists of twenty-four novelettes about a young girl`s growing realisation that she is able to do things that none of her family can. Megan is twelve years old in the first volume. She has two seemingly insurmountable problems. Her mother is frightened of her daughter`s latent abilities and not only will not help her but actively discourages her; and she can’t find a teacher to help her develop her supernatural, psychic powers. For she wants not only to know what it is possible to do and how to do it, but to what end she should put her special abilities. Megan is a good girl, so it would seem obvious that she would tend towards using her powers for good, but it is not always easy to do the right thing even if you know what that is. These stories about Megan will appeal to anyone who has an interest in psychic powers, the supernatural and the paranormal and is between the ages of ten and a hundred years old. Megan`s Thirteenth (volume 2): In Megan’s Thirteenth, Megan’s parents offer to hire a marquee, and throw two parties for Megan’s birthday on the village green: one for the oldies, the family, and one for her school friends. Megan is very excited at the prospect, but is completely bowled over when she meets the famous local DJ, Jack Hammer, and receives a birthday kiss from a handsome stranger.

《通灵师梅根系列——一位精神向导、一头幽灵虎和一位可怕的母亲!》由二十四篇中篇小说构成,讲述的是有一个小女孩,她逐渐意识到自己可以做一些家人无法做到的事情。在第一卷中,梅根十二岁。她遇到了两个看似无法解决的问题。第一,梅根的妈妈害怕女儿的通灵能力,她不仅不帮助自己的女儿,还处处打压她。第二,梅根不知道如何使用自己拥有的超自然的通灵能力,也没有老师教她如何使用。梅根很想知道自己拥有的这种特殊能力到底可以做什么、怎么做,以及最终用途是什么。梅根是一个善良的好女孩儿,她肯定想的是做好事儿,但即使知道怎么做好事儿,做起来也不容易。梅根系列故事适用于对通灵力量、超自然、以及超自然现象感兴趣的,年龄介于十岁到一百岁之间的任何人。《梅根十三岁了》(第二卷):在《梅根十三岁了》这本书中,梅根的爸爸妈妈提出,想租一顶大帐篷,在果岭(village green)给梅根举办两场生日会。一场用于招待老人和家人,一场用于招待梅根在学校的朋友们。对此,梅根也很期待,但当她在生日当天遇到了当地著名 DJ 杰克·哈默(Jack Hammer),以及被一位陌生的帅哥送上生日吻后,她就完全被迷住了。


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